Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Skinny Jeans

I've been afraid to jump on the trend wagon. I'm
not as young as I once was and not as thin as I
have been. I'm not sure if there are rules against
the "2nd time around"...meaning I was there for
skinny jeans and leggings in the 80's, does that mean
I am banned from them in 2008?

But I decided to take the plunge. Bought these
slouchy boots and skinny jeans last weekend:

Embrace 1984! It's been a long time since I tucked a
pair of jeans into boots! I'm going to test out the
new look in Chicago this weekend. Wish me luck.

That's all.

Monday, November 10, 2008

What's New

1) We have a new president elect (yea!)
2) It the first snow fell in Traverse City on Saturday night
3) We haven't finished raking our leaves
4) I hate my job
5) I made the best white chicken chili last night (I will
post the recipe next)
6) I am headed to Chicago this weekend - I need a
get away!
7) I am addicted to Gossip Girl (have almost completed
the first season)
8) I am looking for a new turkey stuffing recipe
9) My mom visited this past weekend - we had a nice time
10) I need to put the TT away for the winter :-(

That's all!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Easy Does It!

Seriously, get out and vote!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Turn! Turn! Turn!

Fall in Michigan means apple orchards and pumpkin
patches; harvest moons and crisp morning air;
stews and ciders. But, above and beyond anything
else in means this:

The color up here this year is extraordinarily vibrant.
And the coolest thing is that the color bursts seemingly
overnight. When the sun shines, even the saddest tree
comes to life, like this one across the street
from the house:

And , no I didn't get a new camera. Like a
bad habit, the old one came strolling back
into my life. Here is a photo from the night
it disappeared. Debbie (a friend who works
in my office) and I at Red Ginger:

In other news, we went to a wedding a week ago
Saturday. One of Matt's best buddies from high
school (who was kind enough to get married in
Traverse City - saving us a four hour drive to
Detroit. We wish Eric and Meridith the best,
and I wish I had more pics to share but Matt
dropped the camera right after the next photo
was taken and it wouldn't cooperate the rest
of the evening (Have I ever told you how much
I hate the POS camera?). Anyway, here is yet
another photogenic moment of Matt and Jen
caught by the lens:

Wow! I'm the same height as Matt in this photo. Four
inch heels + five foot eleven inch gal = Glad to have a
tall hubby! That's all for the moment.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The End of an Era

I shouldn't be surprised. We never really had a great relationship.
I blame myself.
I entered into the deal a bit hastily, right before we went to Vegas,
not thinking things through or even being sure of what my
long term goals were. I pretty much ignored him the whole first year
we were together, never even letting him show me his strengths.

On Friday night he left me. I got all dressed up and took
him out on the town. We went to the theater and then to Red Ginger
for a couple of glasses of wine. I introduced him to my friend
Debbie...she seemed to really like him. Maybe a little too much.
She took him with her to talk to some other friends while I
jabbered on to a couple of guys I work with on occasion. That's
when he sneaked away.

The good thing is I didn't even notice he was gone until the morning.
I guess he won't be that hard to get over. Besides, I'm trading up!!!!!

Any suggestions on what kind of camera I should purchase?

That's all.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Love Me Some Jack


Ok, I am so excited about the Jack Black score for the new Bond movie...which makes its debut in the following Coke Zero ad. Alicia Keys is also involved in the project (piano and vocals for the movie) which is a cool combo. is the ad if you care to see it along with some of my other favorite Jack Black movie/music moments:

DISCLAIMER: I do not like all musical or film endeavors JB undertakes...but I think HE ROCKS roles where he is somehow involved in the musical biz but isn't in Tenacious D.

Finally - Sam, JB has always reminded me of a stout, elfy Brian...making up songs while you clean the house!

The Holiday

Saving Silverman

School of Rock

And of course...High Fidelity

That' s all.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Random Observation

I worked late last night and was pleasantly surprised when I
walked in at 8:30, to my darling husband preparing a
meal. Of course the grill was involved, but nonetheless it
was still a meal. Steak kabobs with homegrown tomatoes
and peppers (thanks mom!) marinated in whatever delectable
concoction he created, to be served on a bed of whole grain

I usually wear the apron. And Matt is never slow to
compliment my skill and aptitude in the kitchen (thanks
babe!). But a little thing I've noticed...when men do their own
cooking it is as if they have never tasted anything remotely
as delicious as their creation. I think that is so funny. Even my
best dishes still have room for improvement and I always
make mental notes of the same. Not men. We might as well
have been eating at the French Laundry last night. I think it
is so sweet and innocent and I am going to try and capture a
little more of it in my own day to day meal preparation.

Be less critical...enjoy what you prepare and create!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Formally Introducing Addyson

I introduced my friends Jeremy and Sarah and their baby girl Addyson in a previous post, but I thought I would post a couple photos of Addy today. She is the best baby I have ever met! Four and a half months and she sleeps through the night in her crib, hardly ever fusses, falls asleep at the drop of a hat, travels well and always has a smile on. I mean seriously, when she was 3 months old, Sarah would swaddle her in a blanket, lay her down on a blanket in front of us while we chatted and she would fall asleep without a peep...for the night! She is giving me grave misconceptions as to the ease of childrearing. However, I must give Jer and Sar sooo much credit, they seem to really have her on a good schedule which I have been told numerous times is key to a happy baby! Congratulations guys...I love you and love being "aunt Jen"!

Happy Baby:

Happy Teething Baby:

Drowsy Teething Baby (so funny!):

Have a great day!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Under Construction...

Please mind my blog for the next couple of days, while I try to "get with the times". I will be playing around with my layout and new gadgets!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Than You Probably Care To Know

100 (primarily useless) questions/answers
about me, but I still love filling these
hings out...which may be a tad narcissistic.
In any event, here you go:

1. How long has it been since you've ridden a school bus?
Middle School. And even then I thought I was too
cool for it. Since I also thought I was too cool for boots,
I would walk two and half miles home in a Michigan
winter to prove both. I think my mother gave up
on me at this point in time.

2. What do you think of frogs?
Not a huge fan, although I did like “Peace Frogs”
in the early 90’s.

3. What's the worst Christmas present you've ever gotten?
Can’t say I have gotten a bad Christmas present.

4. Suppose you *had* to get some sort of tattoo, right now.
What would you get?
I am tattooed out. If I “had” to get something
it would be something somebody else forced on me
so I guess I wouldn’t have a say in it.

5. Which would you rather die from, burning to death or
"bird flu"?
I’d pick bird flu only because burning to death really
only happens if you are on a stake. Usually when fire
is involved you will either die from smoke inhalation
or you will be blown up. Either of those would be ok
I guess – but not burning to death.

6. If weed was legal, would you smoke it?
Maybe occasionally. Never been a huge fan though.

7. How about if heroin was legal?
No way Jose.

8. Do you use any kind of lip gloss/lip balm?
I usually forget to apply. If I see someone
else apply I remember that I have some in my purse
and will give it a whirl. I’m not a “reapplyer” of
any kind of make-up during the day.

9. Do you like pumpkin pie?
I’ll make it, but I don’t eat it.

10. Who do you want to be President (it doesn't have t
o be an actual candidate)?
Well, I wouldn’t wish the job on anyone I knew.
Actual candidate - Obama…I believe old white men have taken
this country as far as they can (see Question 27.)

11. If you were alive in the 1960s, would you have
been a hippie?
Semi – hippie. Peace, free love, bell bottoms…probably wouldn’t
have taken the psychedelics though.

12. Do you like dinosaurs? Which is your favorite?
Never met one, but their bones are fascinating.

13. What genre of music makes you want to shoot your ears off?
Hard core heavy metal.

14: What was the last board game you played?
Cranium…loved it.

15. Would you let your grandma set you up on a blind date?
Yes, she has a lot of lady friends who probably have
grandsons (assuming I was looking for a date).

16. Speaking of which, ever been hit on by a much, much older person?
Yep. And fell for him too.

17. You can't find the remote. Where is the first place you look?
First of all, we are talking “remotes” plural as it takes three to get
the system up and running. They have their own special ‘basket” though
and they are always there.

18. Where would you rather live, in a barn or in an inner-city
church basement?
Yikes. Barns scare me – too many horror movies.
But I am not a fan of the inner city either. I’ve seen some
beautiful ‘barn” style houses in the Hampton’s – will that work?

19. How do you feel about Hello Kitty?
I’m bewildered that it exists.

20. Paper or plastic?
Natural or recycled reusable bags. Trying very hard
to eliminate plastic bags from my life.
However, I can’t yet live without sandwich bags.

21: Compost heaps: yes or no?
Yes. I will have one soon I hope. They make great canisters
for city composting.

22: What kind of socks are you wearing right now?
None. I protest the wearing of socks in the summer.

23. Are you part of a "subculture"?
I have enough compartments in my own head, I
don’t really need to be part of a subculture.

24. Do you type with all your fingers, or just 2?
All of them. And sometimes I am amazed at my speed
and accuracy.

25. Do you believe in astrology?
Actually, I guess I do a little. Humans have been relying
on the heavens forever and I do believe we are connected
to the stars for more than direction. But I would never
call a hotline or believe a horoscope

26. Are you good at math?
I’m alright at math. I took a lot of it in college. But
I’m better at words.

27. Are you politically correct?
Not always. I think political correctness at its extreme denies
Our individual experiences and environment and our innate
human nature. However, I do think it is important to
educate yourself with respect to the reasons you harbor stereotypes.

28. Do you know what a semicolon is?
Yes, but I rarely know when I should use one.

29. Have you ever worn a Hawaiian shirt?
I wore a one piece Hawaiian short/shirt set at my
high school graduation open house. It was cinched
with an elastic waistband. I’m not sure what I was thinking.

30. Have you ever dated someone you didn't
really like? Why?
I think I have liked everyone I have ever dated at the
beginning – but I have stayed in relationships
after I quit liking someone.

31. Do you resent members of the opposite sex?
Not at all. I tend to resent people of my own sex.

32. Atlantic or Pacific?
-Atlantic, Atlantic, Atlantic. I hope that
I am successful enough to someday have
a little house overlooking that great body of water.

33. What animal do you most resemble?
Big Bird…does that count as an animal?

34. How often do you eat macaroni and cheese?
Maybe three or four times a year. Usually when I am
sick or sad.

35. Are you into philosophy? If so, what are your
philosophical influences?
I have always identified with transcendtalism. I like its
emphasis on individualism, self- reliance and the importance
of human intuition and rational thought…often at
odds with traditionalChristian views
though(not a big surprise).

36. What was the best concert you've ever been to?
Not really a concert – but the Beatles Love Cirque de
Soleil production in Vegas was awesome.
Since I was born too late to see the fab four it is
a concert in my mind. Other good shows…U2, Ben Haper and DMB,
Black Crows.

37. If someone gave you $100,000 to shave your head, would you?
Um, yes…anyone want to take me up on that?

38. Have you ever met a hermaphrodite?
I’ve never seen the proof, nor have I ever asked to. So the
answer is: who knows!

39. Do you sweat a lot?
No, I wish I sweat more. I overheat a bit when do
serious cardio, because my body refuses to sweat enough.
And I like to sweat!

40. What, if any, hair products do you use?
Shampoo and conditioner and this stuff to make
it less frizzy and more shiny after I blow dry it. I
wish I had the patience to pay more attention to
my hair.

41. Do you enjoy thrill rides (roller coasters, etc.)?
I love anything that makes me lose my stomach and makes
me really nervous before riding it. I haven’t
been on a ride like that in years though.
And I do have a strict rule against riding anything that
is assembled and disassembled by men with less teeth than a four
year old.

42. Have you ever seen a 3-D movie?
Yes. Jaws 3…many years ago. There was a scene where maggots
came crawling at you. First and last.

43. What should someone do if they deliberately want
to make a bad impression on you?
Tell me they are conservative Christian who is adamant that
the “religious right” has got it all figured out.

44. Have you ever drank a whole bottle of liquor by yourself?
I’ve probably tried, failed, regretted it, forgot and tried again.
But it has been a long time.

45. Does anyone know you're filling out this survey right now?
I suspect Sam is waiting for it to appear on my blog.

46. Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so, what kind?
Well, I’ve been known to smoke a few here and there when
I am having cocktails…but I don’t consider myself a smoker,
I’ve never had a habit and I don’t buy cigarettes.

47. What word processing program is on your computer?

48. Have you ever read "The Odyssey"? What did you think of it?
-Yes, but I’m not really into “epic Greek poems”.

49. What's the worst insult anyone's ever given you?
Don’t know, but I’m sure it was behind my back.

50. The best compliment?
”You’re one of a kind.”…I think that was a
compliment, right? ;-)

51. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Open. I do not like closed doors. I want to know if
someone is creeping up the stairs. But I do not
sleep closest to the door…that’s the
man’s job.

52. What is your favorite item from your favorite fast-food
Whopper – BK. Very special treat.

53. Do small children like you?
I think so. I like them.

54. Do animals like you?
See 53.

55. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too hot. I spend a great majority of my year being too cold.

56. What's your favorite beer?
Blue Moon on draft. Beer is my last choice though…
wine first then rum then beer.

57. Have you ever lived in a college dorm? If not, do you think
you could handle it?
No…I never lived in a dorm. But I wish I had.

58. Have you ever met a psychotic person (officially diagnosed)?
Yes. I have represented individuals who have been diagnosed.

59. Which show sucks less: "The Hills" or "Wheel Of Fortune"?
Matt HATES it when I watch The Hills. So I don’t see
it very often. ButIt sucks less though.

60. Do you like spicy food?
Yes. The older I get, the more I like it.

61. Do you read poetry? If so, who is your favorite poet?

62. What else could you be doing, other than filling out this survey?
Sleeping…which I will be doing shortly.

63. What is your earliest memory?
Falling down the porch stairs in Spring Lake.
My mother swears I was too young to remember it
(I was two and a half) but I have always
remembered it. It wasn’t a big event that anyone
talked about so that I would remember it second hand.

64. What is something you consider "classy"?
A man who respects a woman’s femininity.

65. What video/computer games do you like?
Not much of a gamer. But I do like Rock Band.

66. Do you know your IQ, and if so, what is it?
I do know my IQ but don’t think it is a very
accurate representation of how one manifests
their intelligence.

67. Do you drink TAB?
No. I only drink Coke and only when it is
mixed with rum.

68. Do you talk about your friends behind their backs?
I talk about my friends when they are not with me but I try
not to talk behind their backs.

69. Do you use abbreviations such as LOL or OMG outside of IMs?
OMG, no way. LOL.

70. What is your favorite vegetable?
I love vegetables. Squash of any kind, eggplant, corn,
Lettuce, broccoli, beets, carrots, beans…but I HATE celery.
It tastes like dirt.

71. Sweet or sour?
Sweet and sour.

72. What's the longest airplane ride you've ever been on?
Bombay, India to Detroit…with a short layover in London.

73. Do you regularly take any medication?
No. None whatsoever.

74. What's the closest you've ever come to dying?
No near death experiences for me. I have never even been admitted
to a hospital.

75. What are you really proud of that not many people know about?
I’m a foster parent for abused llamas…I don’t know, I guess that
I’m a darn good cook!

76. Are you really into high school or college sports?
Not high school…but I like college football and basketball.

77. Do you regularly spend money on things you don't need?
Um…yes. But usually for my house, not for me personally.

78. Have you ever practiced archery?
Yeah, at camp one summer. Not really interested.

79. Do you eat the cherry on top of your ice cream sundae?
Yes, I do and I am proud of it.

80. What does the color yellow make you think of?
legal pads.

81. What is your local newspaper called?
The Record Eagle. Or as many of us like to call it the
“Wretched Eagle”

82. What city do you wish was your hometown?
I never know what hometown means, is it where I grew
up or where I call home now? As long as I’m on a body of water…
its good enough for me.

83. You've just farted loudly in public. What do you do?
Keep a poker face.

84. Have you ever had a lucid dream?
Way too often.

85. How about sleep paralysis?
No, but my arms fall asleep once and a while.

86. How often do you dream about zombies?
Once in a while. But when I fall down and play dead
they stop chasing me. seriously.

87. What kind of accent do you have (EVERYONE has one)?
-Midwestern. But I quickly pick up and mimic other people’s accents.
I think it would disappear pretty quickly if I moved somewhere else.

88. Do you think mushrooms are cool-looking?
They are kind of boring.

89. Are you dyslexic?
I mix the letters b and p when I write and type and
don’t often catch it until I proofread.

90. Do you think it's interesting to study religions other than
the one you practice?
Well, I don’t practice any religion but I think it is
important to learn about them all. No one religion
has it all ‘right’ in my opinion. I believe there are
tenants of every religion which are useful in becoming
more enlightened. I also think we understand people
better in a global sense if we understand their religion.
Unfortunately, immoral religious leaders have used
religion to lead the masses, keep them ignorant, divide
societies and families and foster war and hatred since
the beginning of time. WHEW! I'll get off my soapbox now.

91. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
Yes, once in San Francisco and once in LA.

92. Suppose you're the greatest painter who ever lived, but
you can only paint one last picture before you die. What is
your painting of?
A portrait of an old woman.

93. What is the sexiest color of finger/toenail polish?
Toes red. Fingers naked.

94. What is the worst job you could possibly imagine having?
Any job where I would have to kill animals.

95. Do you think pigs are cute?
Not particularly.

96. Do you pay your own bills?
Damn right I do.

97. How many methods of contraception are you aware of?
A few, but I’ve never really used them.

98. Do you own ripped jeans that weren't ripped on purpose?
Yes I do. Every pair of jeans I buy at the
Buckle end up ripping at some point.

99. Can you give a good back massage?
No, but I am a good back scratcher.

100. What do you do before you go to sleep?
Not really a routine sort of person before bed…I’m
tired and I crash and then start my routine in the AM.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our Summer Holiday

I love that Europeans go on holiday, rather than vacation. I try to use the term any chance I get. So with no further from our European holiday!

This is the whole lot of us in London. Matt's uncle, Christopher Connolly, lives in central London. This photo was taken, on his terrace, shortly after our arrival. Matt has his arm around his uncle Chris. Both Chris and Achilles (behind me in the white) are such gracious hosts. They don't let us lift a finger while we are there...and they share wonderful stories and wine with us!

After we settled in we hit some history hot spots including the British Museum. I'll tell you what, the British were not shy about taking things from other countries during their rule!

The gates of Babylon:

The facade of the Parthenon:

A little bit of Egypt:

Can't forget Rome:

We also toured the British Library and the National Art Gallery, both of which were amazing.

Matt and I took the Eurostar to Paris for a couple of was my first time there and I was so excited. It had been ten years since Matt had been there and we both really enjoyed ourselves...good wine, good food and a new Louis Vuitton were had!

We stayed in the Latin Quarter and would highly recommend the area. Very close to our hotel was the famous Paris landmark, Fontaine St-Michel (French is such a beautiful language, the fact that St- Michel is pronounced "san michelle" is just the tip of the iceberg!)I thought it was just stunning:

My favorite Paris attraction was Notre Dame. What an incredible cathedral, the magnitude of which cannot be expressed in pictures:

Stained glass interior:


And of course, not trip to Paris would be complete w/o the Eiffel Tower:

Or the Arc de Triomphe:

Or the Louvre:

Or Matt!

We had a great time, and are already planning our next trip! Hopefully in a couple of years we will once again visit London (it will always be our favorite) and spend a few days in Spain!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Putting Down Roots

It's undeniably what we're doing. Matt
"hung his shingle" a little over a year ago,
but it was pretty much figuratively speaking. He has
been working out of a spare bedroom in the house
which was trying for him at best.

We are proud to announce that those those
days are history!

The office building is only three blocks from our house
and one block from the courthouse. It has four offices,
two bathrooms, a big reception area and conference room.
It is pretty dated and we intend to hit it up with new carpet,
paint and tile in the next few weeks. Congratulations, Matt!

Almost Finished

I know it has taken a while, but I finally
have some kitchen photos for your viewing
pleasure. My intent was to have it BH&G
perfect before posting - until I realized
that was NEVER going to happen. There are
still a few little projects left like glass
in the cabinets and a range hood over the stove,
but we are almost there. Following are the "before
and after" shots, since it has been a while since
you saw the first series:

See the dishwasher, do you see it, do you??!!!

I love my sink, people tried to talk meout of the
"one bowl" sink, but I have no regrets. And it is super
deep. The lobster pot fits in it - no problem.

The new door to the bathroom (which is not yet
finished) is a pocket door, which is a great space
saver. Plus, we no longer have to duck our heads!

I love how this space turned out. Next:

Oops! Martha Stewart wouldn't have left a
crumpled up paper towel on the counter.

Max hates her picture being taken, she always
makes a face!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Torch on the Fourth

Matt introduced me to this little northern michigan,
4th of July tradition called the Torch Lake sandbar five
years ago or so.

This is not a great photo, but you probably get the idea.
Shallow water, boats anchored and people letting it all hang out.
When we ventured into the abyss (notice the past tense) we always
stayed on the ourskirts. The nucleus of the party is way
too much to handle. However, when the weather is nice it
is one of the most beautiful locations to spend the day
with friends, a few beers and the sunshine.

This is the second year we have declared ourselves too
old, too wise, and a little too out of shape to
venture out to the sandbar. Thankfully, we still
enjoy the experience from our friends Jeremy and Sarah's
house which sits on the shore of the lake. Here are a
few photos from our celebration:

Me, Matt and our friend Jon...guess which one of us still
wishes he were out at the sandbar?

Sarah, Jeremy and their 10 week old baby girl, Addyson

Matt is so cute is this pic!

Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend as much as we did.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Little Bit of Woo

For those of you who have dogs but not children,
or for those of you who had dogs before you had
children - you will probably understand this post.
We childless adults have a tendency to treat our
canine friends like children.

This is the case with our beloved Reggie a/k/a the Woo.
We are not sure of the evolution that led to "Woo"
but it stuck. And its fun. There are endless
variations of "Woo" as it is really just a syllable
that can be substituted into almost anything (including
almost every song ever written).

Sometimes he is Reggie-Woo, Bubba-Woo, Woo-nicorn,
Reggie Von Woosterhausen, Woo-Woo but mainly he
is "The Woo" in "Hey Matt, have you fed the Woo?"
or "Look at the Woo" or most commonly "Where is the Woo?"...
because if he is not in sight he IS getting into trouble.

Reggie is a three year old Brittney. He is liver and
white, the recessive color combo - most are orange
and white. A lot of people mistake him for a
springer spaniel. He weighs about 40 pounds and
is all muscle and energy. Brittney's are
a sporting breed...they live to find and point
birds. Except for Reggie - he also lives to
destroy our possessions and any sense of sanity we
might of once had.

Reggie suffers from severe separation anxiety, which
is fancy for mass destruction if left alone in house.
We think he may suffer from doggy autism as well, if
such a thing exists. He is our special boy. Both
Matt and I have had Brittney's before (but this is
our first together) so we know it is not a breed
thing - it is a Woo thing.

Anyway that is enough for now, I sure you will
see plenty more Woo in posts to come.
Hope you enjoyed the photos!


P.S. The second photo shows a glimpse of a partially
finished kitchen to wet your whistle!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hardhats Required Beyond This Point

Although it has been slow coming, I have finally
solved my camera issues and will be posting some
personal photos again. Following are demolition
phase kitchen photos...stay tuned for the finished

This is a look from the kitchen into the bathroom.

This is from the bathroom into the kitchen. Hello Reggie!

This is what became of our living room during the ordeal.
We are no longer living in this is finished,
but I can't blow my wad all at once!