Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Love Me Some Jack


Ok, I am so excited about the Jack Black score for the new Bond movie...which makes its debut in the following Coke Zero ad. Alicia Keys is also involved in the project (piano and vocals for the movie) which is a cool combo. is the ad if you care to see it along with some of my other favorite Jack Black movie/music moments:

DISCLAIMER: I do not like all musical or film endeavors JB undertakes...but I think HE ROCKS roles where he is somehow involved in the musical biz but isn't in Tenacious D.

Finally - Sam, JB has always reminded me of a stout, elfy Brian...making up songs while you clean the house!

The Holiday

Saving Silverman

School of Rock

And of course...High Fidelity

That' s all.


TruJen Phtography said...

Jack Black is awesome! I totally agree that he ROCKS!
I take it you're not a "Pick of Destiny" fan? Too funny, Scott and I ran across it just the other day and we found ourselves finishing the movie. Some funny parts put not the best movie.
I LOVED him in the "Holiday". It seems that movie is on every other weekend and I'm on my butt watching it.
Anyway, cool post! Love the JB too!

Samara Link said...

I read this when you originally posted, but I didn't have a chance to watch the clips at the time. I did this morning though, and it was an awesome way to start the day! I haven't seen The Holiday, but it looks really good. I Netflixed it. Although, oddly enough, it made me want to go on a date with him to Blockbuster -- or with Brian -- whoever is available first. :) Actually wait. I'd rather go with Brian because he is so much fun to look at and watch. Mmm, Brian. :) Good memories. You know, I don't think I've ever even told anyone stories about Brian making up songs and singing to me while I cleaned. It's just the kind of thing where if you don't know him, it would have sounded corny and a little strange. But if you did know him, it's just hot and sweet and adorable. Anyway, great post. Love you!