Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The End of an Era

I shouldn't be surprised. We never really had a great relationship.
I blame myself.
I entered into the deal a bit hastily, right before we went to Vegas,
not thinking things through or even being sure of what my
long term goals were. I pretty much ignored him the whole first year
we were together, never even letting him show me his strengths.

On Friday night he left me. I got all dressed up and took
him out on the town. We went to the theater and then to Red Ginger
for a couple of glasses of wine. I introduced him to my friend
Debbie...she seemed to really like him. Maybe a little too much.
She took him with her to talk to some other friends while I
jabbered on to a couple of guys I work with on occasion. That's
when he sneaked away.

The good thing is I didn't even notice he was gone until the morning.
I guess he won't be that hard to get over. Besides, I'm trading up!!!!!

Any suggestions on what kind of camera I should purchase?

That's all.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Love Me Some Jack


Ok, I am so excited about the Jack Black score for the new Bond movie...which makes its debut in the following Coke Zero ad. Alicia Keys is also involved in the project (piano and vocals for the movie) which is a cool combo. Anyway..here is the ad if you care to see it along with some of my other favorite Jack Black movie/music moments:

DISCLAIMER: I do not like all musical or film endeavors JB undertakes...but I think HE ROCKS roles where he is somehow involved in the musical biz but isn't in Tenacious D.

Finally - Sam, JB has always reminded me of a stout, elfy Brian...making up songs while you clean the house!

The Holiday

Saving Silverman

School of Rock

And of course...High Fidelity

That' s all.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Random Observation

I worked late last night and was pleasantly surprised when I
walked in at 8:30, to my darling husband preparing a
meal. Of course the grill was involved, but nonetheless it
was still a meal. Steak kabobs with homegrown tomatoes
and peppers (thanks mom!) marinated in whatever delectable
concoction he created, to be served on a bed of whole grain

I usually wear the apron. And Matt is never slow to
compliment my skill and aptitude in the kitchen (thanks
babe!). But a little thing I've noticed...when men do their own
cooking it is as if they have never tasted anything remotely
as delicious as their creation. I think that is so funny. Even my
best dishes still have room for improvement and I always
make mental notes of the same. Not men. We might as well
have been eating at the French Laundry last night. I think it
is so sweet and innocent and I am going to try and capture a
little more of it in my own day to day meal preparation.

Be less critical...enjoy what you prepare and create!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Formally Introducing Addyson

I introduced my friends Jeremy and Sarah and their baby girl Addyson in a previous post, but I thought I would post a couple photos of Addy today. She is the best baby I have ever met! Four and a half months and she sleeps through the night in her crib, hardly ever fusses, falls asleep at the drop of a hat, travels well and always has a smile on. I mean seriously, when she was 3 months old, Sarah would swaddle her in a blanket, lay her down on a blanket in front of us while we chatted and she would fall asleep without a peep...for the night! She is giving me grave misconceptions as to the ease of childrearing. However, I must give Jer and Sar sooo much credit, they seem to really have her on a good schedule which I have been told numerous times is key to a happy baby! Congratulations guys...I love you and love being "aunt Jen"!

Happy Baby:

Happy Teething Baby:

Drowsy Teething Baby (so funny!):

Have a great day!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Under Construction...

Please mind my blog for the next couple of days, while I try to "get with the times". I will be playing around with my layout and new gadgets!